Make a SQUARE for the Fair

4th Annual Make A Square for the Fair Contest

“Wooden Barn Quilt Square Competition”

Register your “square” on
Sunday September 2, 2018 from 2:30 – 7:00 pm
Judging will take place on Monday, September 3rd.

This competition is open to the public eight (8) years of age or older!!

Only $1 entry fee – to be paid at registration!

Best of Show and one- first, second, and third prize cash winner will be awarded in both age groups!!

Category and Requirements:

YOUTH Ages 8-14: Template Pattern or Free Hand Design

Each entry must meet the size requirements of either a 16” X 16” or 18” X 18” Luan board cut to 16” or 18” square or mat board cut to 16” or 18” square is required for this age entry. **

ADULTS Ages 15-90 Template Pattern of Free Hand Design

Each entry must meet the size requirements of 24” x 24”. Adults may use: ¾” MDO board, ¾” plywood or luan board.

** Pre- cut and primed 16” luan squares, as well as template patterns for youth entries will be available at the following locations:

  • The Fair Office-276-202-7732
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension Office—889 8056
  • “Bee, Blooms and Bluegrass Festival” held at the Russell County Courthouse

For a complete list of requirements go to or on Facebook @ Russell County Fair & Horse Show and on Facebook @ Virginia Cooperative Extension – Russell County

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